Crispy Crust Records/Audio /Sweet Serenade: Odesza – White Lies ( Tigerz Remix ) (Audio)



Sweet Serenade: Odesza – White Lies ( Tigerz Remix ) (Audio)

We just listened to one of the most beautiful tracks of 2015: the Tigerz remix of Odesza’s White Lies feat. enchanting lyrics by Jenni Potts. Please, enjoy this with us.

Odesza and fellow Seattleite Jenni Potts released the original White Lies around six months ago. Now Tigerz gave the song a modest twist, prompting us to kick back and drift to the Parisian’s entire Soundcloud catalog which is mesmerizing.

Tigerz is affiliated with Paris based independent record label Rooftops Horizon (Source: Rooftops Horizon)

Tigerz is affiliated with Paris based independent record label Rooftops Horizon (Source: Rooftops Horizon)

Tigerz is affiliated with the Paris based Rooftops Horizon. A perfect match given the indie label’s invigorating and melodic signature sound. Listen to and download this slick sampler to get a taste.

The mindful observer will have noticed that, sadly, Tigerz isn’t on there. Do not despair! The producer has plenty of free stuff shelved for you to grab at your leisure. Like his trippy-trappy remix of Azealia Banks’ Chasing Time for example.

Written By: ggottfried