Crispy Crust Records/Audio /Sweet Sunday: R-ASH – Never Let Me Go (Rafik Remix)


Rafik by Nils Müller

Sweet Sunday: R-ASH – Never Let Me Go (Rafik Remix)

“Sleek synths, soulful samples, mighty melodies and a full-bodied bass”, that’s how we described Rafik‘s style last time around. The German producer, living in Brooklyn, NY, follows up on that promise with his brand new banger: a remix for R-ASH’s Never Let Me Go. Check out the original after the jump.

Rafik‘s remixes and bootlegs are earth shattering displays of greatness. Thank god he usually incorporates a tranquil dormant phase in his tracks, otherwise you’d probably untraceably loose your head while listening.

You still wanna hold on to that noggin when listening to his latest Autobahn Radio mix though. It was recorded in Hong Kong and features Düsseldorf based Taimless who takes over for a good part of this one hour long extravaganza.

The man speaks perfect English. The only way you can guess he’s a German native is by the fact that he can pronounce the Ü in his hometown Düsseldorf properly.

DJ Rafik (Source:

Rafik is probably the only DJ in America who can pronouce Jack Ü in the correct way  (Source:

Anyways, back to Rafik‘s latest remix, the one for R-ASH’s Never Let Me Go. You can listen to the original below or just buy it here. The package also contains a couple of remixes, and of course the one by Rafik is on there too.

Written By: ggottfried