Sam Spiegel & Ape Drums – Mutant Brain feat. Assassin (Video)
We’re not into advertising fragrances – especially since we only cover our bodies in nothing but our own in-house bestseller Gorgonzola & Basil for Men (watch our Merch shop). But this video needs to be shared.
Japanese fashion (and perfume) brand Kenzo hired Spike Jonze to direct its latest ad. It features a banger called Mutant Brain, produced by Sam Spiegel & Ape Drums with lyrics by Assassin, whom you’ll remember from appearances on Yeezus and To Pimp A Butterfly.

Mutant Brain is out now. Grab it here.
Follow Sam Spiegel:
Soundcloud: @samspiegeluniverse
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Facebook: facebook.com/SamSpiegelUniverse
Instagram: @samspiegeluniverse
Follow Ape Drums:
Soundcloud: @apedrums
Facebook: facebook.com/apedrums
Twitter: @apedrums
Follow Assassin:
Website: agentsasco.com
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